We want to thank all the participants and visitors who attended the 1/87 Vehicle Club's 2013 East Coast Meet (January 26-27, 2013) in W. Springfield, MA! We definitely missed a few modelers who, due to last minute illness, weather, or job commitments, were unable to attend. We hope to see you all next year. We had some very special guests this year in addition to our "regular crowd" of outstanding modelers; Markus Traeger from Germany, Fred Gruin, Bob Sundstrom of Model Freightways fame, Robin Harding from the U.K., Norm Jones, John Scull, Patrick LaForge, Jim Groeneweg of Jacobs Models whose Western Star 4900SB tow truck is shown here, and the guy who probably had the most fun all weekend, 14 year old modeler Alex Mylnechuk who had a full table of his handiwork on display! We be featuring models from each of these and, with any luck, from everyone else who attended in several Photo Galleries coming over the next few weeks. We're feverishly working on our next photo gallery even as we decompress from this spectacular weekend. We had the largest group ever participating in our show and arguably the best display of modeling talent ever as well. A very special thanks go to John Sacerdote, David Royce, and the whole Amherst Railway Society to host and produce the train show that provides such a great venue for our display! Until next year's show, thanks again to all! Be sure and check Chester Fesmire's Show Report! [posted 01/28/2013] |