It was a distinct pleasure and honor to finally meet Jim Groeneweg of Jacob's Models at the W. Springfield show this year. One of the most wonderful aspects of this show is being able to exchange techniques and ideas with some of the best modelers in the scale and Jim certainly is among them. I am always thoroughly impressed with Jim's ability to lay down the finest finishes I've ever seen and seeing them in person just reinforces my impressions. Oh, Jim is one heck of a nice guy too.

Anyone that has been stuck on the N.Y. Cross Bronx Expressway can identify with the display Joe Fay of Superba Models had at the show this year. Joe had a very large 1/87 scale rendition of just what it's like to be there on any given day. Many of the models shown are Joe's creations that he has produced using the Hydroshrink technology of taking larger scale models down to our scale. A really fine job Joe and always a pleasure to have you make the 800 mile trip to see us all.

Ralph Ratcliffe is without a doubt the man that brings us some of the finest models in the scale. Whether he's creating masters for such manufacturers as Don Mills, Sheepscot Scale, Masterbilt Models or building a repertoire of unmatched models under his own name, Ralph shows an impeccable attention to detail, proportion and scale accuracy. He represents a benchmark we all should be shooting for in the scale. Not only did Ralph show some of his new products this year but he entertained us with some fantastic little dioramas to display some of his models on that offers them in a setting that truly gives them more credibility as scale reproductions and not just models. A museum quality modeler of unmatched skill.

Not with us at the 1/87 Scale Vehicle Club display area at the show was Clare Gilbert, proprietor of Sylvan Scale Models as he displays in a different building but his models are forefront on many layouts and collections everywhere. Probably the most prolific manufacturer of models in our scale, Clare had 13 new products on display this year including several configurations of the '34 Ford, some new late '40s Ford fire equipment and a mid-fifties GMC 860 truck. Glad to see Clare make the trip from Parkhill, Ontario every year and participate in lively, animated, and always fun conversations.

Here's a photo of Joe Fay's Cross Bronx Expressway with Wade Roese's under bridge maintenance truck shown on the bridge above it.

Sam Poirier has been attending the W. Springfield show for several years now. He never fails to impress us with his Route87 modules which always have a demolition theme to them. This year was no exception with this great diorama build. Many of his wide variety of vehicles and equipment are heavily modified as is the structure.

John Ross makes the trip all the way from Plainview, Texas every year and brought with him an absolutely fantastic fleet of oilfield vehicles this year. The details and loads on much of his entire fleet are scratchbuilt. I have always wanted to build a transmission cable truck but fear now I couldn't come close to the job John did with the one shown.

I did not get a chance to talk with Jesse Weigand much this year but seeing his CSX MOW fleet speaks volumes of the skill it took to build. One can recognize several pieces from Custom Finishing Models that have been altered and improved.

One of my favorite modelers (and favorite people) is Ed Sweeney. This year in amongst his wonderful builds, he showed these unbelievable heavy Macks. Just plain old great modeling. Always a pleasure, Ed.
Join us next year at the 2014 East Coast Meet for what we're confident will be our biggest show ever! Get started now on those models so they'll be ready for next year's show! |