Besides all the great 1/87 scale vehicle models and Route87modules on display at our annual gathering in W/ Springfield, Massachusetts, the show affords the opportunity for modelers and collectors to speak directly with manufacturers of scale vehicle models about current products, announced new products not yet delivered, and projects in the pipeline for future delivery. This year, River Point Station had a bunch of new products on display. Also, Lonestar Models had two new Wilson grain trailer kits with all new graphics on display, Sylvan Scale Models had their usual vast array of resin kits for sale, Custom Finishing Models had kits and built up models of their maintenance of way equipment for sale, Don Mills Models was there with his line of reins kits, and William Ratcliffe of Ralph Ratcliffe Models had a large inventory of his excellent resin kits and accessories for sale. Check out our 2018 East Coast Meet New Products Report. [posted 02/10/2018]