We've updated our site's Google search functionality to now allow you to search images and image links in our database. To use, follow these steps:
- Go to our "Photo Gallery Index" link under "Photo Galleries" from the top menu
- Scroll down to the section titled "General and advanced search of the Photo Galleries:" (located immediately below the yellow highlight box)
- In the outline box, enter your search criteria (the above example used "Porsche 917" as the criteria)
- Click the search icon (magnifying glass to the right) or hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard
- As shown in the example above, there are two tabs, one titled "Web" and one title "Images" (circled)
- Click on the "Images" tab to view the index of images found
You may also access this search feature under the "Search Our Site" link under the "Tools" section of our top menu. We hope you find this new functionality helpful! |