The idea to build one of these NAZI terror weapons came from a booklet on the subject from Schiffer Military History Volume 62. There were no kits of this model available in the U.S. (about 10 years ago) so it was a scratch build all the way by Rick Hoskinson. The main fuselage was constructed by sliding different diameters of Evergreen tubing into one another to create a rough shaped tapered cylinder at both ends. After the glue had set Rick chucked the whole thing up in his cordless drill and finish filed the taper as closely as possible to the dimensions in the booklet. The same was done for the engine and exhaust pod. The wings, horizontal and vertical stabilizer, as well as the forward engine strut, were all cut and shaped from sheet styrene with flight control surfaces scribed in. The two circular access covers and the inlet screen are from Details Associates. The transport carriage is entirely from Evergreen strip, tube and rod shapes. The cradle is independent of the carriage unit to allow the weapon to be hand cranked into position on the catapult, a handling crew of at least 12 men was required to get the 2,000 pound bomb into launch position. Paint is Model Masters enamel on the V1 and Model Masters Metalizer Lacquer on the carriage unit. The weathered look was done with dry pigments and art pencils. Decals for the vertical stabilizer came from I-94 Enterprises. These Flying Bombs were the predecessor of today's Tomahawk Cruise Missile.
Posted June 30, 2017 |
