Brian Donato built these two New York State DOT dual wing plow trucks using Ralph Ratcliffe Models chassis kits along with his wheels, air horns, exhaust stacks, fuel tanks, mirrors, and Mack RM600 resin cabs. He also supplied the transfer case for the front drive axle. Battery boxes and the entire plow frame setup were scratchbuilt. The dump beds are modified Athearn grain body and the mud flaps are styrene. The strobe lights are from ROCO. The models are painted in NYDOT colors and the door decals of the correct period are from Jason Zerrenner. The "Mack" hood decals are from Alloy Forms. Light weathering was applied using graphite dust from shaving a pencil down and brush applying it to the appropriate areas. Prototype photographs and assistance was provided by Ryan Pedone.
Posted November 28, 2016 |
