The basis for this model was a Langley kit that Roger Dowden set aside many years ago after he realized that the “house” (superstructure) was much too large. Recently he decided he needed a crane to complete a logging camp on his model railroad layout. Roger retrieved the kit and found that the tracked assembly was exactly correct and the boom was very close. He was astounded to discover that the “house” from a Matchbox toy in his junk box was prototypically correct to within a scale inch.
Roger cut out all of the doors and hatches and fabricated brass replacements. It was then necessary to cut down all of the kit parts for the machinery deck. In addition to the modified kit parts, he added a John Deere tractor seat and fabricated the operator pedals (a real exercise in tedium). The counterweight was a Sheepscot part that he enlarged to represent the largest optional counterweight. He removed the fixed sheaves from the boom and replaced them with working sheaves from Rio Grande Models. He assembled the hoist works so that they all function.
He modeled this unit to represent a veteran dragline that has been retired to the log yard. Most of the cab windows were long ago broken and discarded. Floquil paints were mixed to achieve the weathered Bucyrus Erie colors. Washes and #1000 wet and dry sandpaper were used for the rust and weathering.
Posted August 16, 2015 |
