This bed truck from Günther Storch is a Kenworth C500B and is running for his favorite company, ATK of Alberta, Canada. Günther once again used a Dennis Aust Models resin cab with air cleaners from the same source. Tires are a self made resin castings using big crane tires from Preiser combined with Promotex rims. Also from Preiser are the winches, modified a little bit, and the air conditioner. Rotating warning beacon lights are from Kibri. The extra long chassis is a resin casing by Günther's own, also the tanks, toolboxes, and the front bumper. Chains are from A-Line. All the rest is scratchbuilt from Evergreen styrene. Decals of the back lights are from Kulak Productions. ATK logos and the Wide Load sign are self printed water slide decals.
Posted May 31, 2015 |
