Dennis Raper built this Kenworth W900 logging truck using an Athearn Kenworth W900 kit. Dennis built a floor pan and firewall added to the frame in two places and built the log frame, added Herpa log bunks, Herpa headache rack, and modified with a platform over the truck cab. The trailer is an Athearn 48' container chassis that Dennis shortened, moved the bumper, and added mud flaps and Herpa log bunks. The converter dolly is from Rail Power with scratchbuilt pivoting tongue from styrene. Photo etched mirrors are from Don Mills Models. The screen on the headache rack is from Scale Scenics; the chain is from Diesel Details. The toolbox is scratchbuilt from styrene. Mud flaps were made from printer paper. Turn signals are from styrene rod, air horn is from Herpa. Paints are from Tamiya, PollyScale, and Testors. Weathering powders from Bragdon and Bar Mills were used for weathering.
Posted April 1, 2015 |
