David Flynn built this 1/87 scale 1965 International HD1600 Loadstar with a 2-1/2 to 3 yard dump body and a Hydro-Spreader tailgate spreader. The model represents one of four used by the Town of Smithtown (NY) Highway Department when David was a child. Tailgate spreaders were common in those days.
The model is made from mostly an Athearn chassis and wheels, a Magnuson/Walthers resin cab, and Evergreen sheet plastic. The marker lights are from a Dragon 1/700 Atlanta light cruiser. The decals are homemade and the tailgate spinners are from 2 Boley salt trucks that David previously modified.
The photo with two models shows the model next to one David made circa 1990. His intent this past summer was to make a better model rather than rehab the old one. David says he figured Athearn wheels and a bumper not molded onto the cab would look better. The original wheels are really pretty good from the outside and are more like the 7.50x20 tires the prototype had. Athearn's are 9.00x20 or 10.00x20. But overall, the new wheels and chassis are better. At bottom is a photo of the prototype.
Posted December 28, 2014 |
