These photos from Jesse Weigand feature his CSX Railroad MoW and service truck models on his modular vehicle/railroad layout. The little International 4300 stakebed truck (above, center and below right) was built by Jesse Weigand using a Walthers Scenemaster (formerly Boley) International 4300 truck with kitbashed stakebed body and lots of additional details added to the bed.
The International 7400 crew cab stakebed truck (above right) features a cab from Boley with stake body kitbashed from Lonestar Models kits. Fuel tanks and underbody toolboxes are from Dennis Aust while above body toolboxes are from River Point Station. The rear step assembly is scratchbuilt from styrene and brass. The crew cab stake bed truck features scratchbuilt hi-rail gear, custom decals and accessories.
This International 7600 crew cab rail truck (below left) was built using a Boley (now Walthers Scenemaster) cab and kitbashed and then fully detailed the bed with railroad maintenance of way items. He added a Kibri knuckleboom crane to the rear and an overhead rack for transporting rail.
Posted May 30, 2014 |
