Here is more of Roger Dowden's stunning Model A roadster we introduced in Photo Gallery 611. The model is similar to a roadster that he always admired from a '60s Hot Rod Magazine. Roger combined two Jordan Highway Miniatures kits, the Model A sedan and the Hot Rod Roadster to produce this full fendered roadster. The paint is Testors Candy Apple over a silver base coat. He reshaped the sedan rear seat to create a full bench seat. The flathead engine with 3 carbs and the quick-change differential are from the GHQ '32 Ford kit. The “mag” wheels came from a Malibu International die-cast car. He fashioned the nerf bar bumpers out of brass rod. It is shown here next to a '32 Ford Coupe built from the GHQ pewter kit.
Posted January 31, 2014 |