Here's more of Jesse Weigand's outstanding model to be displayed at the 2014 East Coast Meet. Look for Jesse Weigand's and Ian Cooperstein's CSX Railroad diorama with an extensive fleet of maintenance of way vehicles and equipment and a bevy of beautiful vehicle models. Shown here again is his fictitious unit that is the result of all the right materials laying around and Jesse watching too much TV! The idea was inspired from a History Channel show that highlighted how they deal with avalanche mitigation in Alaska. The idea is to blast the known avalanche areas before an avalanche can happen on its own. This unit was built by Jesse Weigand to be included in his MoW fleet. The scratchbuilt body is designed to carry ammunition needed for the howitzer. The open deck behind the container would be used to stack shells and organize shots towards a mountain side. Previously featured in Photo Gallery 611.
Posted January 19, 2014 |
