These spectacularly realistically detailed and weathered models are from Jesse Michaud. The Athearn Freightliner cabover has Plano mirrors and cross-over steps, A-Line wheels and tires, A-Line chains, a Roco amber rotating beacon, custom air lines, and a Zycon Models "Oversize Load" sign. The trailer is a Lonestar Models Trailmobile 40' flatbed model. The skid steer loader on the flatbed was built from a GHQ kit.
The Ford to the right is an Atlas LNT-9000 model with A-Line wheels and tires, a Plano Model Products photo etched grille, A-Line mirrors and windshield wipers, Details West amber rotating beacon, custom air lines, and the exhaust stack has been hollowed out. The trailer for this truck is also a Lonestar Models Trailmobile 40' flatbed model.
July 3, 2013
