Brian Donato built this custom brush fire truck using the Trident model of an AM General military tandem truck tractor. It is mounted on a kitbashed frame with a Boley brush fire body. The cab was painted by Brian as well as the Herpa front and rear wheels. Tons of scratchbuilt goodies and parts box treasures completed this along with A-Line bumper posts, Busch strobe light and spotlights, Herpa water cannon, and too many hand made details to list. Brian says he was inspired by the Gulf War era tractor posted previously and cut the driver's side of the hood away to expose a scratchbuilt engine.
The pickup truck is the Trident Chevy foam unit. Brian says he was inspired by a one angle shot of a similar truck seen on Google. He extended the bumpers, scratchbuilt the rear platform, added a hose reel (Boley) stand, tool box, and water tank. The red hoses were simulated using some scrap automotive wiring and everything is hooked up to a Herpa portable water pump under the hose reel. The railing on top is bent from brass. This unit also has a Boley strobe on the roof, Busch spotlight, and front/rear strobes. The push bar is from the parts box. Both models feature whip antennae fashioned from beading wire and decals from Microscale.
February 26, 2013
