This is an HO model truck David Flynn recently completed. It is an International Harvester CO-190 oil delivery truck dating from the 1960s. David used a Classic Metal Works cab and frame. The tank body is from an old Walthers Mack R oil truck kit David bought around 1990. The wheels are from an Athearn Ford F-850 fire truck. The model is painted to simulate trucks used in David's brothers' business. David says he was a kid then and helped paint and clean the trucks so he knows the paint schemes pretty well. His brother insisted on white front bumpers even though Gulf guidelines dictated orange. The left side is painted in an early '60s livery except David added the white stripe and the right is painted in a different late '60s livery. David made the decals and decided to use small mirrors instead of West Coast mirrors to depict a slightly older look.
December 22, 2012
