Here's more of Peter Weixelbaumer's outstanding AMG/CCC M915 semi tractor painted for service in Operation Desert Storm. The base is a Trident M915 plastic model that Peter cut out the left side of the hood and scratchbuilt the Detroit Diesel Engine under the hood from styrene. Peter cut the chassis behind the cab and rebuilt it with styrene profiles. The swing axles are from the original Trident truck. The tires and rims are from the M923 series trucks from Roco Minitanks. He painted the truck with Tamiya colors with an airbrush and made "heavy weathering" with pigments from MIG. Peter has started a new category with Operation Desert Storm models on his web site at www.hott.at (http://www.hott.at/galerie/u-s-a/operation-desert-storm/). Previously featured in Photo Gallery 541.
December 22, 2012
