This very nifty little all-terrain tracked utility military surplus
vehicle is from the overly fertile imagination of German modeler Ralf
Grote. Originally it was a new item from Roco Minitanks.
Currently there is only a picture of the prototype (which stands in
an automotive and technique museum near Ralf's home) within a NEWS flyer
of Roco Minitanks. It is item #690 and is called:
"Raupenschlepper Ost" (Tractor, full track) = "Caterpillar
tractor East"
This item is listed in the category 'Deutsche Wehrmacht'. So we can
assume that this vehicle was used in WWII by the German Army for the
heavy tasks at the Russian front. As you might know: The German Army
sank literally in the Russian mud during the spring thaw. So they needed
many all-terrain vehicles.
In Ralf's own words:
"But the story on MY "Bob's Express" is: After WWII
a US Army soldier took this vehicle over the Atlantic to the USA.
After some years of work at a farm in one of your Middle Western states
and after some improvements the former soldier sold his little worn
tracked vehicle to a small and not so financially strong oil or diamond
company which had an exploration in the cold and snowy state of Alaska.
The end of the story will be, that you will find this tracked vehicle
as load onto a flatbed trailer (perhaps a 48ft + a pup) attached to
a '70 or '80 truck tractor riding across the great plains; direction:
We definitely look forward to the next chapter of "Bob's Express"!
Posted March 14, 2002 |