We've gotten a lot of positive feedback on the photos depicting the picking of sweet corn seed in Idaho circa late 1960s presented in Photo Gallery 517 so we're presenting a couple more with some close up shots of the details! This John Deere corn picker mounted on a JD 4020 was built by Jeff Pline from a GHQ pewter kit modified with Plano Model Products metal etchings and brass rods. Painted with decanted genuine JD paints and weathered with artist oils and Bragdon powders. The canvas chute was made from glue and tissue, painted with acrylics and powders. The John Deere decals are from JBOT Decals.
Jeff scratchbuilt the homemade tilt bed trailer from styrene and brass wheels and tires from and old Life-like car as is the figure. The burlap sacks were made from tissue and glue. The full sacks on the rear of trailer are Sculpey modeled to shape and covered with tissue and glue. Weathering is the same as JD corn picker.
June 15, 2012