This dump truck model from Jim Groeneweg was built back in 1998-99 when the Atlas Ford LNT-9000 was first released. Jim took an Atlas Ford LNT-9000 tractor and made it into an 8000 series model. Lee Town wheels/tires, bumper and mirrors were added along with modified Lindberg gravel dump box with an exhaust stack made of aluminum tube. The truck is painted in Pacific Green Metallic, a '97 Ford color and the dump box is Humbrol gray.
The Tag-A-Long trailer is kind of scratchbuilt using an old Con-Cor Moving Van frame modifying it with hitch and beaver tail, adding a wood deck. A Kibri JCB backhoe is on the trailer built box stock. The truck was previously featured in Photo Gallery 491.
Posted December 17, 2011 |