This old logging truck from Dennis Raper is a 1966 (he thinks) C-60 Chevrolet die-cast toy from Gibbs-Mercury. He says he thought he'd do something different and build a log truck out of it. This truck has a working "tag axle" on the rear and a rotating, PTO powered "Big-Stick" log loader. This was a common sight around the Southeast United States up until the late '80s but you can still see one occasionally. Dennis stripped the yellow paint and primed and repainted it, used Herpa wheel sets, and A-Line mirrors and chain. The Morton pattern brass mesh is from Plano Model Products. The headache rack/loader is built from an Alloy Forms West Coast rack and modified with styrene and treadplate and Morton pattern brass sheet. The log bunk is from various styrene products. The mud flaps are from typing paper; the marker lights were shaved off a resin cab and glued on the Chevy. The dual exhausts and turn signals and tail lights are from styrene rod and tube. The frame mounted toolboxes are from Trucks-N-Stuff.
Posted December 17, 2011 |
