This Canadian Freightways B-train combination is the result of some
extensive modeling by Jim Groeneweg. The much modified truck tractor
is detailed elsewhere in Photo Gallery 48.
The trailers are both Walthers Stoughton 48' cut down to a 32' lead
trailer and 28' pup. The pup has an Athearn suspension (single axle
fixed) and the lead has the original changed to 60" spread with
scratchbuilt fenders and sliding tandem B-train configuration typical
of what Canadian Freightways uses. These closely resemble Manac trailers.
Microscale decals were used for all CF lettering, and placard info;
A-Line decals were applied for the conspicuity (safety) stripes on the
trailers. Paint for the entire unit is all authentic CF fleet colors
in basecoat/clearcoat.
Posted December 21, 2001 |