The Brandt roadrailer is on the maintenance of way rosters of all class one North American railroads and can even be seen in Australia and South America. This versatile vehicle is used for short line hauling or more commonly as a MOW power unit. Produced by the Brandt Road Rail Corporation of Canada these power units are capable of multi-tasking to the extreme. Whether used for MOW or revenue service they are capable of pulling 3.5 million pounds up to 40 mph while on rail with its 600 horsepower diesel engine. These low cost flexible trucks are capable of replacing locomotives typically used for such applications.
This scale model started out as a Dennis Aust T800H cab kit with front and rear suspension. The scratchbuilt chassis includes Dennis Aust wheels, tires, and fuel tanks. The middle two axles were intentionally left with only inboard wheels versus the typical dual configuration as they are primarily used as traction wheels when on-rail. The body and "dog house" are scratchbuilt. The crane is part of a Kibri kit. Finer details include a scratchbuilt catwalk for the crane operator, Athearn couplers, and movable rail gear with incorporated Dennis Aust airbags. Homemade decals, electromagnet, and numerous spare parts round out the model. This particular Brandt truck is pulling a CSX "slot train" depositing new ties along the route.
Posted December 27, 2010 |
