John Ross says since there was a lot of interest in Springfield at the 2010 East Coast Meet show in oil trucks, he built this fracturing trailer. The fracturing process injects huge amounts of water mixed with whatever, mostly sand and chemicals, to fracture the drill in oil or gas wells to improve the discharge of product. The process can develop pressures up to 8,000 psi thus the big motor and accumulation tanks. It isn't exactly correct but John says he thought it looked cool. The trailer is a Herpa accessory trailer to which he added the gooseneck. The rest of the pipes, etc. from Evergreen and, of course, the Cat motor. The tractor is a Herpa Mack CH with a Jacobs axle forward resin cab and scratchbuilt fuel tanks, winch, and guard. The foreman's pickup is a River Point Station Ford pickup chopped to a single cab and the tanks for water are scratchbuilt using PVC pipe with axles added and numbers and decals. John added IT OIL (Integrated Technologies) decals.
Posted August 13, 2010 |
