Ryan Harris did a spectacular job modeling this P-I-E Jifflox Kenworth K100 truck tractor. As promised in Photo Gallery 405, here's a closer look at the details of Ryan's terrific model. Ryan built the model using the grille and cab from a Tyco model, shortened from a sleeper to a day cab. The converter gear is built with the suspension from a Rail Power trailer and the tongue from an A-line converter gear. The tractor features a scratchbuilt chassis, exhaust system, and operating fifth wheels, an interior of unknown origin, a Dennis Aust air cleaner and suspension/axle assemblies, and A-line mirrors, wheels, and tires. The door and air dam decals were made by Ryan and the rest are from various Microscale sheets. These photos and other in-progress photos can be found at: http://www.pbase.com/mecrharris/pie_jifflox. Ryan says the model was over a year in the making but it was worth the wait and the effort.
Posted May 8, 2010 |
