David Dowling sent us these photos of his Type 3 engines in Strike Team/Task force configuration built from Boley and RD (Rick Decals) models with decaling from RoadBlockers. Just part of the activity at the Mohave County InterAgency Fire Center, somewhere in Southern California.
Strike Team 6601C assembled and ready for assignment. Team made up of: BDF E57 (USFS- San Bernardino National Forest- Alandale Station), BDF E33 (USFS- San Bernardino National Forest- Mormon Rocks Station), BLM E3131 (Bureau of Land Management- Bishop), NPS E3631 (National Park Service- Mohave National Preserve), BDU WT38 (CalFire Schedule A- Pioneertown), and STL Battalion 1 (National Park Service- Joshua Tree).
Posted July 5, 2009 |
