Ted Fitzsimmons sent us this photo of his carnival generator rig. The truck started as a Walthers 9700 International COE. Ted spent tons of hours with the Dremel [motor tool] and shaved out the whole inside to give it an actual interior and hollow look. He then mounted it on a cabover frame from Herpa and added all the extra effects with Herpa truck parts and clear windows. The carnival company is called Farrow Shows. They are based in Jackson, Mississippi. Ted made all of the decals on his home computer using real logos and Photoshop. The trailer is a 28' generator trailer Ted built by cutting open the sides and front and adding the air vents. The roof has open air vents as well as an exhaust sticking up in the rear. The "possum belly" was made from styrene. Ted reminded us he remembered submitting this same truck to us way back when he was a kid and appeared in Photo Gallery 45. He wanted to show us some of his newer stuff as his model skills have progressed over the years.
Posted June 22, 2008 |