This amazing collection of vintage and classic Mack trucks (and a lone Ford pickup) is from André Giroux. From left to right above:
Ford F-150 pickup truck: Atlas model
Mack B61 tow truck: Athearn Mack B-61 (cab), Magnusson (tow truck body) and Promotex (details)
Mack H60 : Ulrich (white metal cab), Boley (tow truck body) and Promotex (details)
Mack MR688: Rick Decal (resin cab), Boley (tow truck body) and Promotex (frame, wheels and details)
Mack R600: Athearn (cab and tow truck body), Plano and Promotex (details)
Mack F700: Rick Decal (resin cab) and Promotex (frame, wheels and details)
André did all the paint and lettering.
Posted February 16, 2008 |
