This Russian T34 tank was built from a Komo/Roco kit that was very basic in appearance. The engine deck was super detailed with screen and grille material from Detail Associates, grab bars were added for tank-riding troops, the gun mantlet and turret were coated and stippled with Mr. Surfacer 1000 to give the rough cast appearance. Commercial glazing putty was used to add the casting lines and weld bead definition. The model was overall painted with Russian Green by Model Masters then it was dusted in areas with flat white to give the appearance of winter camouflage. After that, the weathering and rust accents were dusted on with dry pastel chalks. The dry brushing came next, using Russian Green to brush back into the white in areas to give the white cammo a worn and faded effect. The final step was to give it a good coat of Russian mud that would place this vehicle in the Spring of 1944.
Posted August 2, 2006 |