First-time contributor Christophe Culis built this Mack Granite three
axle dump truck for DJL construction in Quebec. The resin Granite cab
is from Masterbilt Models and it rests on a Herpa Mack CH frame (LWB);
the front and
rear wheels
are from Herpa. The dump body is scratchbuilt to represent a Bibeau
dump; the extensions are made of real balsa wood. The decals are from
outstanding local decal
producer in Quebec, Rick Decals. The photo was taken outdoors using
a natural backdrop and an asphalt plant diorama. As far as the weathering
it is light and natural; that
is, roll the truck back and forth in real rock dust (collected
at a local asphalt plant). Beautifully executed!
Posted August 6, 2005 |