This stunning model from Andy Park took approximately
50 hours to complete back in 2003-2004 and is based on a Kress ladle
carrier as made in Brimfield, Illinois. It is used in large integrated
steel plants all around the world to carry ladles full of molten steel
up to 280tonnes at approximately 1700°C, usually from oxygen steel
making shops to continuous casters or foundries nearby. From the pivot
back, everything except the wheels and tyres (which are from a 1/50
Norscot Caterpillar 627G scraper) is scratchbuilt from Plastruct and aluminum
tube. The ladle itself is, believe it or not, a plastic shot glass with
added feet, strengthening rings, lifting points and white/orange/red
hot charge of steel with a crust forming from the cooling process (the
real ladles have lids for when they are being moved which Andy omitted
on purpose).
Posted May 1, 2005 |