This is a Terberg F1900 8x8 dumper manufactured in
Holland during the 1980s, several of which were operated on an open
pit coal site in Leicestershire, England by Al Richards Contractors.
Along with a few larger F2000 models which used the Volvo F10/F12 cab,
these trucks were fitted with high volume coal bodies by Nooteboom,
now better known for their heavy transport equipment. The model is based
on a Memo chassis and Herpa off-road wheels and tyres, a heavily kitbashed
Kibri dumpster body including a recess for the tipping ram, and the
cab is a kitbashed ROCO Renault cab with scratchbuilt parts. The model
was weathered and then finished in Humbrol Glosscote to try give the
effect of being wet, although, as Andy says, "I'm not sure this
actually worked!?" Decals are a mixture of custom, TL and Bastian
Posted December 10, 2004 |