Andrew Burrows' ASG fleet has just got bigger. A Volvo
F89 and a Scania Vabis are the new additions. The Scania Vabis is an
Opel Blitz kit and Andrew swapped the bonnet panels. Extras include
a custom exhaust and Kibri lights. The black truck in the background
was once a Road Champs Ford Aeromax; Andrew took off the Ford cab and
attached a Aararama Navistar cab with custom exhausts. The green truck
is a Scania 143 Topliner in ASG colours. The yellow Mercedes Atego is
made by Siku. It is carrying the corpse of a Mercedes Benz car.
The "Merc" car was found in a ditch near Immingham (UK)
where the depot is based. The car's driver pulled sharply in front of
the AJB Scania and the car was rammed off the road and hit an electric
fence. The car's driver escaped before the car collided with the fence.
He escaped with no injures with his car ablaze and the Scania intact.
The car's driver was to blame and is now trying to buy his third Merc! Posted October 25, 2004 |