These two Kenworth trucks are built for Australian bush country service;
note the "kangaroo bars" protecting each trucks front end. The
W900 conventional on the left is an Athearn cab mounted on a Herpa frame
with most detail parts from Herpa. Note how Uli has separated the battery
box and mounted the air tank under the passenger side of the cab. This
model is based on pictures Uli had of a McIvor Bros Cattle Trains rig
from Australia.
The cabover on the right was built from a resin cab [possibly Gunther's
Car Works] mounted on a Herpa frame. Uli used decals from the Revell
KW "Australia-Blue Circle Southern" 1/24 scale kit.
The trailer is from an unknown Austrian firm. This model is based on
a truck he saw while visiting Australia.
Posted November 1, 2000 |