"Lunchtime in New York" is a small diorama featuring
a two story, brick deli on a busy New York City street corner. Officers
from the
N.Y.P.D. and N.Y.S.P. meet their paramedic colleagues from the F.D.N.Y.
a break while firefighters in a 1993 Seagrave engine respond on yet
another run.
The building is a Smalltown U.S.A. plastic kit with figures from Preiser
and vehicles from Boley, Busch and Trident. The signs on the deli were
made using a PC and printer. Geraint's father (an experienced modeler)
scratchbuilt the advertising sign to hide a gap between the roof and
the end wall; he also showed Geraint how to weather the building and
road using chalk and paint. This is the first proper diorama Geraint's
made and
the first time he's photographed models using digital photography.
We'd say he's definitely off to an excellent start!
Posted April 3, 2004 |