Bob Craig built this absolutely gorgeous Pete 378, modeled after
the Italeri 1/24 scale models, except of course in 1/87 scale. The
cab, hood, and sleeper are severely kitbashed "Whiterose" diecast
models from China. The frame is scratchbuilt using the info from David
Bontrager' s book "A
Truck Modeler's Notebook." Bob says he followed Dave's
suggestion for airbag suspension by using the suspension from the Herpa
Ford Aeromax.
The fuel tanks are medium size A-Line
tanks. The engine and transmission were taken
from a Wiking Peterbilt model and painted actual Detroit Diesel Alpine Green color. The fifth
wheel is from the Athearn Freightliner and this one
actually slides.
The interior is painted as close to Peterbilt colors as Bob could get.
The grilles are from Herpa/Promotex and the headlights are from Whiterose
using glass paint on the turn signals.
The mirrors and other fine detail (walkway grates and quarter fenders)
are from Plano.
The air cleaners are scratchbuilt. The wipers are A-Line and the
bug screen is clear plastic using red glass paint.
The visors are styrene covered with Bare-Metal Foil. The wheels are
Promotex with holes drilled out.
The flatbed trailer is two Lonestar Trailmobile 40' kits combined to
make one 48' with airbag suspension (also Lonestar).
Posted August 1, 2003 |