In the past, when a designer needed a prototype part, particularly of a plastic-moulded, or cast-metal component, they’d usually go to a model/machine-shop, who’d invariably create it through a combination of machining and fabrication. Some years ago a new method to create these parts was developed, making use of 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD), using the output files created by the CAD program. These files would define the path of a laser beam which passed over a tank of liquid polymer material, which was then cured or hardened by the laser beam. The really clever bit about this technique is that you can create parts within parts, because the material required is only laid-down where it is needed, leaving gaps/no material to separate the parts. For example, you could create a ball, within a ball, within a ball.
Things have moved ahead since those early days and there are now several methods available to create parts this way, including the sintering, or fusing of powders (including metals as well as plastics), or a ‘print-head’ that uses a continually fed wire of polymer to ‘lay-down’ the material. This Additive Layer Manufacturing method is now being used to create production parts, even in the aero industry, where very large ‘printers’ are being developed to create such items as spars.

3D CAD Drawing of
Pneumatic Bulk Trailer
Some time ago I realized that my background in 3D CAD design could be used to create items for my hobbies and interests that were not readily available in the marketplace. I thought that if they would be of use to me, then other hobbyists would probably appreciate them as well. I believed this could become reality when I discovered a company called Shapeways ( who offered a reasonably priced service to create designer’s models using their various 3D printers. Although the printers cannot compete with detailed, etched-metal components, they can produce some reasonably fine features using the ‘Frosted Detail’ material option. To see how the printers work, take a look at this link:
Shapeways has production facilities in both New York (USA) and Eindhoven (Netherlands). The system works with the customer finding the design they want on the website, ordering the item directly from Shapeways, who then print the model and ship it straight to the customer, usually within two weeks. The designer takes a small commission from the sale of the item.
I started off by creating space models in 1:400 scale to compliment the Dragon Space range of models, with such items as the Crawler Transporter and the Mobile Launch Platform (MLP), for both the Saturn rocket and the Shuttle. I’m currently working on the Launch Utility Tower (LUT) and designing it so it can be used for both Saturn V and Saturn 1B rockets.

Clements' Two Styles of 1/87 Scale Pneumatic Bulk Trailers
A customer in Ohio who’d bought some of my space models, mentioned he was also a model railroader and asked if I had thought about creating some 1:87 scale (HO) road trailers that weren’t readily available, unless you were prepared to spend serious money on a kit, which you then had to build. I took up the challenge and produced a Dry-Bulk trailer, based on pictures I’d found on the web. This model proved quite popular, and I’ve since produced a couple of other variants. My intention is to create even more trailer types in the future. Here is a link to my latest model:

Unfinished Model As Offered

Unfinished Models As Offered
Please note, these 3D printed models are ‘unfinished’, leaving the customer to either finish them off with a quick coat of paint, or to add as much detail as they wish before painting and decaling. I hope you find my models of interest.

Future Product - Pneumatic Hopper Doubles
More projects are in the works including the pneumatic hopper doubles shown above. Availability, though not confirmed, is expected to be early summer.
Barry Clements (baztrains) |