We had the honor of being invited guests in Milwaukee, Wisconsin recently at Trainfest to witness the introduction of a new model railroad manufacturer, Scaletrains.com. Scaletrains.com is comprised primarily of four former employees of Athearn Trains who struck out on their own to build model railroad and related models the way they think it should be done. We've collaborated in the past with these folks to bring to market many of the vehicle models produced by their former employer. We are actively engaged in ongoing discussions that promise to yield very high quality vehicle models. Although not announced, the videos shown in Milwaukee had this very interesting CAD drawing of a 53' refrigerated container shown. Scaletrains.com has not confirmed this is model under development but since it was prominently displayed alongside their world class GETL turbine locomotive models, we think it's a pretty safe bet. We look forward to a long an fruitful working relationship with our friends at Scaletrains.com. [posted 12/21/2015] |