Photo Gallery 799 features another phenomenal model from Paul Kittle. This handsome Kenworth W900 in the bicentennial paint scheme of 1976 began as an Athearn model. Check out the details and all the great companion models in our Photo Gallery 799!
We are planning a special Photo Gallery 800 featuring all Kenworth T800 models! If you have any projects that include T800s of any spec, please send them to us. We'd anticipate posting in 1-2 weeks. We're looking forward to seeing what you folks have for us.
We want to thank everyone who has responded with photos so far but please, send us photos of your modeling to keep our pipeline of galleries coming. We would request anyone who had sent us photos that have not appeared in a previous Photo Gallery to please resend to photos@1-87vehicles.org. We would like to take this opportunity to remind contributors that we desperately need details of your models and photos that are a minimum of 800 pixels wide (wider is much better!). [posted 03/05/2021]