Andy Madden recently shared with us photos from a Swiss modeler he "found," Jürg Rüedi. We were so impressed with the photos we saw that we e-mailed Jürg and asked if he would allow us to share some of his photos on our 1/87 Vehicle Club web site. Jürg graciously consented and the feature photo shown here is one of his; he is now our latest first-time contributor! Look for much more of Jürg's photos and fantastic modeling in coming Photo Galleries. [Update: Jürg has informed us all the weathering on the models in his photos were done by his friend Tom Mann] Joining Jürg's magnificent modeling in this gallery is another great collection of 1/87 scale vehicle model photos models from all over the world. We hope you enjoy all the great modeling talent on display in our Photo Gallery 575. [posted 07/22/2013] |