We've reached another milestone with this Photo Gallery, our 500th! Having just wrapped the 2012 East Coast Show we're highlighting some of the models on display during the weekend on some of the Route87 modules we had in attendance. In addition to the Route87 modules on display we had several hundred 1/87 scale vehicle models exhibited, a very impressive presence at the show!
Our roster of first time show participants this year included Mark Kulak from Edmonton, Alberta, Tom Conley of Pennsylvania, Damon Montague from El Paso, Texas, Peter Delroy of Ottawa, Ontario, Jesse Weigand of Oswego, NY, Ian Cooperstein of Liberty, NY, and James Auriemma of Little Falls, NJ. We also had a very special visitor from Germany, Markus Traeger. We all had a spectacular time over the entire weekend and hope many more of you can join us at next year's show. Headlining this gallery is a very impressive building demolition scene built by Sam Poirier on his Route87 module. Check out all the great scenes in our Photo Gallery 500. [posted 02/04/2012] |