Originally announced about five years ago, Athearn is showing their Ford C cab trucks and tractors at the National Train
Show in St, Louis this weekend. It is a spectacular little model! Details
include full interior, steering wheels, clear headlights, correctly
fitting windshield, mirrors, and windshield wipers. Two different wheel
types are available; spoke wheels for the tractors and disc wheels on
the straight trucks. In future runs the wheel type installed will be
prototype dependent. Initially available in an assortment of colors
and offered in truck tractor, straight truck with stake bed, and straight
truck with dry box (shown above). Colors are red, yellow, orange, white,
black, blue, and green. Expected retail is $11.98 for the tractors and
$12.98 for the stake and box trucks. After the initial run of painted
only tractors and trucks, Athearn is bringing in additional runs with
various commercial markings (yes, Roadway is high on the list!). For
more, check the 2001
NMRA National Train Show Report. [posted 07/13/2001] |
