First Place - Ralph Ratcliffe

Second Place - Chester Fesmire

Third Place - Werner Kattinger
Our 2005 Model Contest turned out to be our
best ever in terms of terms of the sheer number of entries and overall
quality of models submitted!
We're very pleased to announce our first,
second, and third place winners shown above. Congratulations to Ralph
Ratcliffe (first place winner of a Truck Stop Models $200
gift certificate), Chester Fesmire (second place winner of a Truck
Stop Models $100
gift certificate), and Werner Kattinger (third place winner of a Truck
Stop Models $50 gift certificate). A very special thanks
goes to Trip and Cheryl Aiken of Truck
Stop Models for
making the Busch Dodge Power Wagon available at a special discounted
price and underwriting the gift certificates. We'd also like to mention
Jorg Vallen and Busch Gmbh for having the faith and foresight to produce
such an outstanding model of the Dodge Power Wagon in 1/87 scale and
to send a special thanks to Wayne Calder who supplied the research materials
needed to produce the model!
We're looking forward to the 2006 version
of our contest and will announce the rules and conditions during the
summer of '06! Special thanks to all our contestants and everyone who
voted in this year's contest! [posted 12/20/2005] |