This late version of the of the vaunted Tiger World War II military tank has been heavily detailed by Rick Hoskinson with scratchbuilt tow cables from fine twisted wire, engine compartment intake screens, automotive glazing putty applied to turret roof and to hull deck where it joins with the sides and then tooled to represent weld beads. Grab handles were installed on gunner's hatch, commander's hatch, and engine cover hatch. A rain guard was made from wine bottle foil and installed on the turret roof behind the gun mantle. The antenna was turned from brass rod. The commander's cupola was coated with Mr. Surfacer 1000 and stippled to get the cast armor appearance. The molded-in track install cable on the left side of the hull was scraped off and a fine wire one was made and hung from flat brass angles. The driver's visor was improved by adding 35 mm film negative to simulate armored glass. The headlight has an armored wire conduit from .010 brass. Nut, bolt, and washer detail parts from Detail Associates were used on the mud guards and the exhaust stack weather caps are also Detail Associate parts. Paint is Model Masters in late war three color scheme. The tracks were painted in buffing metalizer and then coated with latex matte media and dusted with dry pigments. Decals are from TL and the figure is from Preiser. The MP40 submachine gun on the turret roof (bottom two photos) is also from Preiser and its sling is from wine bottle foil.
Posted July 8, 2017 |
