Here's a look at Scott Lutz's town's EMS equipment fleet. All are custom hand painted and decaled using sheets from Chimneyville and Roadblockers. The Ford Super Duty Type 1 is a Matchbox cab/chassis with a Trident box. The International medium duty is a Boley cab/chassis with an RMM box (Scott says special thanks to Truck Stop Models for getting him just the box). The Chevy Type 1 is a stock Trident truck with new paint and the Ford van Type 2 is a custom mold Scott made using a Lineside Models Ford F-350 mold and an ambulance top from a Trident van. The helicopter is an old model found on eBay of a Bell Longranger. The Ford Expedition is the new comander's truck which is currently waiting paint and decals at the shop.
Posted March 15, 2008 |