Promoting Excellence in HO Scale Vehicle Modeling

Photo Gallery 389

Our Photo Gallery 389 is a very special one dedicated to the Peterbilt 389 and featuring only Peterbilts of that model designation (or that started out as one). This Photo Gallery would never have been possible if not for Norscot with their 389 model and Bruno Cerri at Trucks N' Stuff that got this model produced by Tonkin . We'd like to take yet another opportunity to thank Bruno for all the contributions he's made to our hobby!

Headlining our current gallery is a very well executed model and photograph from German modeler Kurt Hofmeyer. You will also find this is a bonus gallery in that we have even more photos featured than we regularly do. The response to our request for Peterbilt 389 model photos has been overwhelming! Check out all the great models in Photo Gallery 389. [posted 12/20/2009]